Before you can transmit on a DMR repeater you should request a Radio ID. Almost all DMR repeater owners throughout the world follow the global ID scheme, so you will want to get an ID that matches. Do not use a made up number unless you have permission of the repeater owner(s) of the repeater you will be using the ID on.  You may go to the following web page to request an ID:!

When requesting an ID, please use your real first name and not abbreviations as this is what shows up on the Last Heard Page on this site. It is okay if it is a middle name, or shortened first name such as Bill instead of William, for example.  Just avoid initials and nicknames.

Once you receive your Radio ID, you can then program it in to your radio. If you are not able to program your radio, feel free to contact us and we will make sure you can get your radio programmed. If you are able to program your radio, we suggest using one of the generic code plugs available in the Downloads section below to get you on the air quickly, and to use them as a guide to customize your radio to your liking.

Now that you have your radio programmed, we suggest listening to the network for a while so that you can get an idea on how it operates.


Coming back soon.

If you need more information or would like clarification on something, you may send an email to the following address: